To Develop New Business Model of “Cybersecurity Services Distribution”
(Hong Kong – 30 April 2021) The leading cybersecurity services provider – ESH (Hong Kong) Limited (“ESH” or the “Company”) (“ESH” is the abbreviation of “edvance service hub”) is pleased to announce the official opening of new office in Kwun Tong, marking a new chapter to the development of company’s cybersecurity service distribution business.
The new office is located at 18/F, Prosperity Center, 25 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, with a floor area of over 10,000 square feet to meet the company’s business expansion. Riding on almost 20 years of experience in Edvance Technology, ESH intends to capture the emerging opportunities from the fast-changing cybersecurity market landscape. Pushing advance cybersecurity solution onto cloud-based Managed Detection and Response (MDR) platform, the company will focus on three technical domains including Application and Data Security, Identity and Access Management, as well as Network Security, providing an innovative approach to address the local market needs via our established channel partner network and their current offerings.
Mr. Francis Lee, Chief Executive Officer of ESH commented, “With the success of Managed Detection and Response email security business under our Group, Edvance International, ESH plans to replicate the “Security as a Service” model into our three technical domains, and provide more flexibility to complement the entire eco-system of cybersecurity.”
ESH宣佈新辦公室正式投入運作 開拓「網絡安全服務分銷」新模式
(香港,2021 年 4 月 30 日)香港網絡安全服務供應商 - 安帥(香港)有限公司(「ESH」或「公司」)(英文名稱:ESH (Hong Kong) Limited ,「ESH」為edvance service hub之簡稱)今天欣然宣佈,位於觀塘的新辦公室正式啟用,標誌著公司的網絡安全服務分銷業務發展邁向新一頁。
新辦公室位於九龍觀塘創業街25號創富中心18樓,樓面面積逾一萬平方呎,以配合公司的業務發展。憑藉團隊於安領科技近二十年的經驗,ESH致力以「託管式偵測及回應」 模式捕捉網絡安全市場的發展趨勢,將公司的三大技術領域包括應用程式及數據安全、身份及權限管理,以及網路安全,打造創新的服務組合,並以渠道方式配合業務夥伴的現有產品覆蓋本地市場的需求。